Pink Floyd Feud


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Pink Floyd frontman David Gilmore has backed his wife after she called ex band member Roger Waters "Anti-semitic to the core" and a "Putin apologist"
Pink Floyd frontman David Gilmore has backed his wife after she called ex band member Roger Waters "Anti-semitic to the core" and a "Putin apologist"
Gilmour is a rotten idiot together with his wife.....and if that John dude up here can say things like jerk to Waters, so can I to idiot Gilmour and wife !!! Ok ??!
not hardly.i like gilmour as a guitar player he is brillant.
He's the worst guitar player in rock history......even a dumbass like Malmsteem eats off shitty Gilmour's head !!! Moreover, some unknown young guitar players on YT are waaaay better than him. As a person, Gilmour sucks big time !
I have to disagree, Gilmour is a brilliant guitarist (and vocalist) and has a unique style that is difficult to copy. Floyd survived after Barret and Waters left, there would be no Pink Floyd without Gilmour.
I have to disagree, Gilmour is a brilliant guitarist (and vocalist) and has a unique style that is difficult to copy. Floyd survived after Barret and Waters left, there would be no Pink Floyd without Gilmour.
Gilmour was never Pink Floyd, Syd was ! Period.
Trying to match a musician like Gilmour to Syd is like trying to match pure s*** to pure cream ......where the former is the pure s***. :)
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