The Rolling Stones - Out Of Our Heads - Album Review


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I don't know what happened, but the original Stones material takes a significant leap forwards for this release and the covers are relegated to 'supporting' material. I don't actually particularly care which of the songs here are originals and covers - for the first time the transitions are seamless. An interesting thing i've noticed listening to 'That's How Strong My Love Is' and 'Good Times' is how much like early Van Morrison & Them they sound like. No, really they do! Mick sounds like Van Morrison - or more accurately, early Van sounded like Mick! Of course, Them drew on the same sources as the Stones did, a lot of Rhythm and Blues sources for his early inspirations. And! A Mr Lou Reed was listening to the Stones. Check the initial guitar riff that opens 'Hitch Hike' and tell me it doesn't sound like 'There She Goes Again' from the 1967 Velvet Underground debut. Huh1 AND! 'The Last Time' winds up on a Stones album, finally. And it really is a fantastic, brilliant song. I just so much love this riff right here, sailing through - god! And the two songs that remind me of Van Morrison ( check out Micks vocal inflections and the entire mood of 'That's How Strong My Love Is' ) are both glorious, wonderful songs I could listen to all day. A live track follows, completely out of place - entertaining enough, full of energy but with no real right being here at all. More of this would blight the album that followed this ( in the US, at least ). Still, this live tracks works, if only to announce the arrival of 'Satisfaction' a song which everyone knows, so what can I say about it that you haven't heard before? I'll just say what I like about it. Mick holds the key...... Yeah, Keef turns in a catchy riff spectacular, but when the "And I'm driving in my car......" section comes in, you try telling me Mick isn't doing a fucking fantastic job as a vocalist, riding the riffs and the ultra solid and together rhythm section? Mick and Keith, something was happening now.

'Cry To Me' is a great soulful vocal performance from the man they called Mr Jagger (?), 'The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man' ( one question, why? ) is a song that sounds very off the cuff, very blues based, enjoyable enough. 'Play With Fire' is haunting and spooky and a classic song. Um, i'm realising right now, there's only a couple of songs here I don't care for. One is the live track, another is the blues workout 'The Spider And The Fly', which although well done, kinda drags compared to the material elsewhere on the album. The closing 'One More Try' is a very simple song with harmonica blaring through - no genius, just great performance. 'Out Of Our Heads' doesn't reach the ultimate heights later Stones albums would, but it's just so very easy to listen to and groove away to. An excellent record indeed.

Mercy Mercy / Hitch Hike / The Last Time / That's How Strong My Love Is / Good Times / I'm All Right / I Can't Get No Satisfaction / Cry To Me / The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man / Play With Fire / The Spider And The Fly / One More Try

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