A World without Heroes written by Lou Reed


A Rock God
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Lou wrote several songs for other artists and this one is one of his best. Kiss recorded it and it's on The Elder, one of the band's most overlooked albums

A world without heroes
Is like a world without sun
You can't look up to anyone
Without heroes
And a world without heroes
Is like a never-ending race
Is like a time without a place
A pointless thing, devoid of grace
Where you don't know what you're after
Or if something's after you
And you don't know why you don't know
In a world without heroes
In a world without dreams
Things are no more than they seem
And a world without heroes
Is like a bird without wings
Or a bell that never rings
Just a sad and useless thing
Where you don't know what you're after
Or if something's after you
And you don't know why you don't know
In a world without heroes
There's nothing to be
It's no place for me
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