Do You Sing?


Active member
When I was in my teens, I liked singing. I was not very good at singing, however, I enjoyed singing. I never sang in big functions or even on stage but I sang in the classroom especially when we were celebrating Good Friday. I also liked singing at parties, especially at home parties. In my late teens, I even sang in karaoke bars. However, I have stopped singling completely. These days I only sing in the bathroom.
Do you sing and can you sing are two different questions. I like to sing along when the music is loud enough so no one can hear me.
That's true. Can you sing is mainly related to singing skills. If you can sing, it means you can sing on a musical scale ( Do Re Me....).
Back in the day when I was a youngster, I picked up that guitar, and guess what? Turns out I could sing too! It was like unlocking a hidden talent, and man, it's been a sweet journey ever since. Music's all about surprises, and I'm grateful for that awesome discovery.
Back in the day when I was a youngster, I picked up that guitar, and guess what? Turns out I could sing too! It was like unlocking a hidden talent, and man, it's been a sweet journey ever since. Music's all about surprises, and I'm grateful for that awesome discovery.
I think I can relate to you even though this has not happened to me, especially related to music. However, I have seen how suddenly a person doiscivers his/her opwn taklent and goes on to become a popular musicians. Do you still sing, do you still play guitar?
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