Music addict


I'm a graphic artist from Poland.
I recently got back to my old addiction from the teen time... I love rock, but actually I like many genres ranging from metal to k-pop, and especially music that doesn't fit in frames ;)
I'm also a music video collector (fortunately it's much easier now than it was over 20 years ago...)
Do you talk only about old music here, or new artists too? I love classics, but discovering new, great music is even more entertaining.
Hi there, you can talk about any music here, some old fogies (like me) are not so up on modern bands but some are.
So where should I write about relatively new rock bands and artists? I see sections about classic rock, prog-rock, other genres, but not modern rock in general.
Classic rock discussions is fine for any type of rock music :)
No problem, there is also a 'promo' category for new bands that have not yet got an audience.
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