Earth is not a benign mother (?)

When we try to bend and alter the law of nature, we have to bear the brunt of mother Earth's fury and this has been more evident in recent times. The devastation caused by water and rain in different parts of the world is a great example for it. A section of people are working hard towards steering Earth toward a safe course but time only will tell whether we humans have changed our course or not.
Some (today many more) say our planet is doomed because this dark situation has been long overdue, thus irreversible.
I tend to believe this....and I'm an optimist at heart :(
Well there is always consequences to our actions, Global warming, rising sea levels, forest fires are all due to our action..... we can try to repair the environment but sadly all our efforts might go in vain.
Some (today many more) say our planet is doomed because this dark situation has been long overdue, thus irreversible.
I tend to believe this....and I'm an optimist at heart :(
It is the bitter truth people always tend to give less importance to the gifts of nature and exploit all the natural resources and thus changing the environment in a really bad way.
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