Summer 2023


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Are you looking forward to summer?

How hot does it get where you live?

How do you beat the heat?

Do you have any plans for this summer?

Being Aussie, I'm more of a summer guy ......did eons of surfing in my halcyon days and beach parties galore !!! However, ever since the summer is becoming hotter and hotter as years go by because of climate change, the heat is so abnormal that it's totally unbearable. When temps start to exceed 42°C and humidity 100%, no human being will ever feel comfortable anymore. I prefer cooler seabreeze weather.
I am in California and the summers are miserable! I'd rather live some place cool. During the summer I just go from air conditioned place to air conditioned place. Lol
I live in a country that lies one-third of the world's Himalayan Mountain Range. This mountain range consists of mountains like Everest and Annapurna. However, I don't live in the Himalayas, I live in a town which is about 1400 meters form the sea levels. Therefore, summer temperature is pretty hot (about 30 degrees celsius in average. Summers are pretty hot here. Originally, I had planned to go to trekking in the HImalayas but had to abord the idea in the last minute.
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